How To Resolve QuickBooks Desktop Activation Issue?

If you are running a small-medium business, you may be using QuickBooks for accounting purposes. Quickbooks is the worldwide leader in accounting software ideal for small business owners. It has a plethora of features for any requirement regarding accounting. However, sometimes, there are problems regarding QuickBooks. 
If you are facing problems regarding QuickBooks, read this post to resolve the issue. This post focuses on the QuickBooks desktop activation issue. 

What causes the activation issue in QuickBooks online login in the desktop version? 

You may face an activation issue in QuickBooks. What it means that, for using QuickBooks, you need to activate the product.

However, due to some technical issues, it did not get activated. Maybe you an error validation code or the services are down.  If you are trying to activate the QuickBooks via the internet, you might get these two errors. 

The validation code is incorrect. 

The services are temporarily down, due to which QuickBooks desktop can't get activated.
Now, there are various reasons to get this issue. The problem can arise for any number of effects, which cause to failed the activation.  Here is a list of the solution, you can try to see if the problem gets resolved. 

Method -1 

First, check if the time and date of your desktop or laptop are correct. 
The time and date should match the geographic time settings. 
Close the QuickBooks application. Open the taskbar, click on time and date settings, to check if the time is right. 
If not, set it according to your geographic location. 
Once set, close it, then restart your system, to make sure. 
Open QuickBooks, signing into QuickBooks  login Go to help, then activate quick book.
Enter your validation code.

Activate  QuickBooks Login in the desktop version.

However, if you are still facing the issues, we move to the next solution. 

Method -2

It is possible that, during installation, or any antivirus might have caused the QuickBooks files.
Sometimes information gets corrupt, 
which causes QuickBooks to fail the activation issue. 
Close the QuickBooks application. 
Now, go the folder, where QuickBooks is installed. 
Open the EntitlementData folder of QuickBooks.
Press windows+R to launch run command box. 
Type it copy and paste C:\ProgramData\Intuit\Entitlement Client\v8(or v6).

open QuickBooks Online Login to see if the activation problem is resolved.



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